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Hammer of the Ancients 上古之锤

of Demolition 拆迁之

Rend 撕裂

of Evisceration 开膛之

Threatening Shout 恐吓怒吼

of Anguish 愤慨之

Bash 猛击

of Bruising 重伤之

Cleave 撕裂

of Sundering 斩断之

Frenzy 狂乱

of the Maniac 狂躁之

Ground Stomp 撼地践踏

of Trampling 踩踏之

Ignore Pain 无视痛苦

of Iron Flesh 钢铁之躯之

War Cry 战争怒吼

of the Warlord 军阀之

Ancient Spear 上古之矛

of Grappling 锚钉之

Leap Attack 跳跃攻击

of Bounding 边界之

Revenge 复仇

of Vengeance 仇恨之

Weapon Throw 投掷武器

of Hurling 猛掷之

Battle Rage 战斗之怒

of Rivalry 敌对之

Furious Charge 狂暴突进

of the Rhinoceros 犀牛之

Seismic Slam 震地波

of Shattering 破碎之

Overpower 压倒

of Conquest 征服之

Sprint 冲刺

of Swift 迅捷之

Whirlwind 旋风斩

of Vertigo 晕头转向之

Call of the Ancients 先祖之魂

of the Summit 巅峰之

Earthquake 地震

of Tremors 颤抖之

Wrath of the Berserker 狂战士之怒

of Violence 暴力之


Ice Armor 寒冰护甲

of Frostbite 霜寒之

Magic Missile 魔法弹

of Evocation 召唤之

Frost Nova 霜之新星

of Frostbite 霜冻之 (注:和寒冰护甲是一样的后缀,请玩家仔细查看装备属性说明)

Mirror Image 镜像

of Reflection 倒影之

Wave of Force 原力波

of Ill Will 憎恨之

Electrocute 电击

of Striking 打击之

Energy Armor 能量盾

of Transmutation 变化之

Explosive Blast 爆裂冲击

of Detonation 爆炸之

Spectral Blade 灵能之刃

of Slashing 切裂之

Arcane Orb 奥术球

of Spheres 球体之

Diamond Skin 钻石皮肤

of the Prism 棱镜之

Energy Twister 能量旋风

of Wild Magic 野生魔法之

Storm Armor 风暴护甲

of the Tempest 风暴之

Disintegrate 瓦解

of Entropy 熵之

Magic Weapon 魔法武器

of Enchantment 妖术之

Ray of Frost 冰霜射线

of Chill 寒冷之

Slow Time 时光缓流

of Omens 预兆之

Arcane Torrent 奥术奔流

of Shooting Stars 流星之

Hydra 九头蛇

of the Myriad 无量之

Meteor 陨石

of Comets 彗星之

Teleport 传送

of Blinking 闪光之

Archon 执政官

of Ascension 升华之

Blizzard 暴风雪

of Hail 冰雹之

Familiar 魔宠

of Camaraderie 友爱之


Bola Shot 流星索

of the Bounty Hunter  赏金猎手之

Entangling Shot 纠缠之击

of Binding 绑定之

Safety Shot 安全射击

of Suppression 压制之

Bone Arrow 骨箭

of the Predator 捕猎者之

Grenades 手雷

of the Grenadier 掷弹兵之

Marked for Death 死亡印记

of Sorrow 哀伤之

Caltrops 铁蒺藜

of Shards 碎片之

Fan of Knives 刀扇

of Blades 剑刃之

Smoke Screen 烟幕

of Mist 雾之

Ballista 弩炮

of Artillery 炮术之

Chakram 飞轮刃

of the Boomerang 回旋镖之

Companion 伙伴

of the Kindred 氏族之

Spike Trap 尖刺陷阱

of Spines 针之

Multishot 多重射击

of Volleys 截击之

Rain of Arrows 箭雨

of Bombardment 轰炸之

Sentry 哨兵

of Vigilance 警觉之

Vault 腾跃

of Escape 逃脱之

Elemental Arrow 元素

of Blasting 爆破之

Rapid Fire 急速射击

of Salvos 齐射之

Shadow Power 暗影之力

of the Abyss 深渊之

Strafe 低空扫射

of Prowess 超凡之

Cluster Arrow 子母弹

of Splinters 弹片之

Preparation 准备姿态

of the Veteran 老兵之


Blinding Flash 致盲闪

of Illumination 暖光之

Circle of Wrath 愤怒之环

of Anguish/devotion/grace/humility 痛苦之/奉献之/慈悲之/虔诚之

Lashing Tail Kick 扫堂腿

of the Scorpion 毒蝎之

Deadly Reach 致命长拳

of Lunging 刺击之

Fists of Thunder 霹雳拳

of the Monsoon 疾风之

Serenity 凝神领域

of Virtue 美德之

Dashing Strike 疾风击

of Reflex 反射之

Dominate Aura 支配光环

of Authority 权威之

Holy Aura 神圣光环

of Divinity 神学之

Crippling Wave 断筋诀

of Breaking 破裂之

Lethal Decoy 致命诱饵

of Diversion 转移之

Retribution Aura 惩戒光环

of Humility 虔诚之

Bronze Warriors 铜人

of Brotherhood 兄弟会之

Exploding Palm 爆裂掌

of Bursting  爆炸之

Inner Sanctuary 避难阵

of Honor 荣誉之

Mystic Ally 神秘盟友

of Devotion 奉献之

Sweeping Wind 凤舞

of the Wind 风之

Way of the Hundred Fists 百伤拳

of Pummeling 连打之

Resist Aura 抗性光环

of Chastity 忠贞之

Seven Sided Strike 七星斩

of Technique 技巧之

Wave of Light 圣光波

of Radiance 光辉之


Plague of Toads 蟾蜍灾乱

of the Jungle 丛林之

Poison Dart 毒镖

of Stinging 叮咬之

Summon Zombie Dog 召唤僵尸犬

of Domination 支配之

Corpse Spiders 僵尸蜘蛛

of the Black Widow 黑寡妇之

Haunt 鬼影重重

of the Wraith 怨灵

Zombie Charger 僵尸突袭者

of Blind Rage

Grasp of the Dead 死亡之握

of Clutching 掌控之

Hex 妖术

of Bane 毒药之

Horrify 恐惧之

of Trauma 精神创伤之

Firebats 火焰蝙蝠

of the Deep 深入之

Locust Swarm 蝗群

of Pestilence 瘟疫之

Soul Harvest 灵魂收割

of the Reaper 死神之

Wall of Zombies 僵尸墙

of the Lost 迷失之

Firebomb 火焰炸弹

of Blazing 炽热之

Sacrifice 牺牲

of the Martyr 殉难者之

Spirit Barrage 心灵弹幕

of Phantoms 幽魂之

Spirit Walk 灵魂漫步

of Twilight 暮光之

Acid Cloud 酸雨云

of Corrosion 腐蚀之

Gargantuan 巨像

of the Titans 泰坦之

Mass Confusion 群体混乱

of Upheaval 异变之

Big Bad Voodoo 邪恶巫毒

of Loathing 嫌厌之

Fetish Army 傀儡大军

of the Mob 魔物之

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