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秘术师 Mystic Theurge 开拓者拥王者职业有哪些 开拓者拥王者进阶职业双语版介绍

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进阶职业4:秘术师 Mystic Theurge

秘术师 Mystic Theurge 开拓者拥王者职业有哪些 开拓者拥王者进阶职业双语版介绍

Mystic theurges place no boundaries on their magical abilities and find no irreconcilable paradox in devotion to the arcane as well as the divine. They seek magic in all of its forms, finding no reason or logic in denying themselves instruction by limiting their knowledge to one stifling paradigm, though many are simply hungry for limitless power. No matter what their motivations, mystic theurges believe that perception is reality, and through the divine forces and astral energies of the multiverse, that perception can be used to manipulate and control not only the nature of this reality, but destiny ic theurges are drawn from multiclass spellcasters who can already cast both arcane and divine spells, and the powers that they gain increase their mastery over both.

秘术师 Mystic Theurge 的魔法能力高深莫测,在对奥术和神圣法术的奉献中也没有发现不可调和的悖论。他们寻求各种形式的魔法,找不到任何理由或逻辑拒绝将他们的知识限制在一个封闭的领域,尽管许多人只是渴望无限的力量。不管他们的动机是什么,秘术师都认为感知即是现实,通过神圣法术和奥术,这种感知不仅可以用来操纵和控制这一现实的本质,也可以用来控制命运本身。


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