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深渊大蛇卡斯 黑暗之魂系列删减对话内容一览 黑暗之魂被删减对话

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深渊大蛇卡斯 黑暗之魂系列删减对话内容一览 黑暗之魂被删减对话

There is an alternative "made hostile" dialogue:

Nonsense! Are you mad?! This is deplorable! You would rather be a slave?! Does the truth mean nothing to you?!

This is unacceptable! Impossible! Unthinkable!

Oh, enough of you. Farewell, pitiful, unknowing fool.

I shall return to the Abyss and await the true Lord of Man.

Additionally, there is also an alternative version to his dialogue after placing the Lordvessel:

Magnificent! You have followed my teachings faithfully.

You are the true Lord of Man, the Dark Lord.

Now go forth and rid us of that enfeebled Gwyn.

I, Kaathe shall await you here.

Here, he has two version of saying goodbye to the player:

When you return, I shall serve you in the imminent Age of Dark.

I shall serve you in the imminent Age of Dark