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东国的芝 黑暗之魂系列删减对话内容一览 黑暗之魂被删减对话

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东国的芝 黑暗之魂系列删减对话内容一览 黑暗之魂被删减对话

Have you heard of Chaos Blade? The legendary sword of the ancient Undead master Makoto, its blade a swirling vortex. I heard it's somewhere around here, but I can't find it. …It's all I could ever wish for… …I'd do anything to have it..

Why, look at you! Just wait will you! Your sword! Is it not… the Chaos Blade…? I've been searching for her for ages! …I beg of you, and I promise repay you… Will you give the sword to me?

Excellent! Much gratitude! As promised, this is for you. Go ahead, take it.

Ahh,splendid, the Chaos Blade… Look into the vortex… Wonderful… Simply wonderful… Oh my, oh my… But the sword's true value…hmm… Can't be known without a good killing…

…Yes, quite alright, I cannot blame you. The blade is yours, after all. …So, I will do the honourable thing… …And kill you for it…

Don't you run away! Be still you rat! Taste my blade, taste it, you devil! Hee hee! Hee, hee hee hee!

This is what you get for crossing me. Have a look at my sword, for it's the last thing you'll see!

Red…the colour of blood… Hee hee…hee…

By the devils… You won't be able to run far enough…

What a wonderful specimen… Like slicing through butter… Hee, hee, nee hee hee!

Your ambitions have sealed your fate. But, who'd have thought I'd be the traitor? Sometimes you never know, do you… Keh heh heh heh!